
Football Technique Exercise Grassroots FIFA

Friday, January 15, 2016

Football Technique Exercise Grassroots FIFA

Passing and controlling the ball
Beginners (age 6 to 8)
Coaching points:
  • Pass with inside of foot, with left and right foot
  • Meet the ball when receiving the pass
  • Ball in front of the body
  • Players of the same standard do the exercise together
  • Orientation (head high, look at player)
  • Differentiation (pass, control and move)
Excercise 1
  • A passes to B, B passes to A (1, 2).
    1. With the right foot only.
    2. With the left foot only.
    3. First with the left foot, then with the right foot, etc.
  • Player chases the ball to the other side.
  • Meet the ball when receiving and controlling the pass. Variation: move away (from an opponent) before meeting the ball.
Exercise 2
  • A passes to B, B passes to A, first with the right foot, then with the left, etc. (1).
  1. Control the ball to the left and take the ball around the cone with the right foot (2). Pass with the right foot (3).
  2. Control the ball to the right and take the ball around the cone with the left foot. Pass with the left foot.
  3. First to the left, then to the right, etc.
  • Player chases the ball to the other side.
  • Meet the ball when receiving and controlling the pass. Variation: move away (from an opponent) before meeting the ball.
Medium (age 8 to 10)
Exercise 3
  • A passes to B, B passes to A, fi rst with the right foot, then with the left, etc. (1).
  1. Control the ball to the left and take the ball around the cone with the right foot (2). Pass with the right foot (3).
  2. Control the ball to the right and take the ball around the cone with the left foot. Pass with the left foot.
  3. First to the left, then to the right, etc.
  • Players take the place of the cones.
  • Light pressure when controlling the ball, dribbling and passing.

Beginners (age 6 to 8)
Coaching points:
  • Shoot with inside of foot, low, with left and right foot
  • Short steps when dribbling the ball (rhythmisation)
  • Ball in front of the body
  • Body between ball and opponent
  • Players of the same standard do the exercise together
  • Orientation (head high, look at goal)
  • Differentiation (shooting)
Exercise 1
  • A passes to B with his left foot (1).
  • B controls the ball and runs with it to the left in the direction of A (2).
  • B takes the ball around the cone with his left foot (3) and shoots with his left foot (4).
Then from the other side:
  • C passes to D.
  • D controls the ball and runs with it to the right in the direction of C.
  • D takes the ball around the cone with his right foot and shoots with his right foot.

Exercise 2
  • A begins by dribbling around the cone with his right foot (1).
  • A then shoots with his right foot (2).
  • B dribbles clockwise around the cone with his left foot.
  • B then shoots with his left foot.

Exercise 3
  • A starts by dribbling around the cones (1).
  • A then shoots with his right foot (2).
  • B starts dribbling around the cones (3) and then shoots with his left foot.

Medium (age 8 to 10)
Exercise 4

  • A passes to B with his left foot (1).
  • B controls the ball and runs with it to the left in the direction of A (2).
  • B takes the ball around the cone with his left foot (3) and shoots with his left foot (4).
  • A becomes a defender (on way to other side), first passive, then active.
Then from the other side:
  • C passes to D.
  • D controls the ball and runs with it to the right in the direction of C.
  • D takes the ball around the cone with his right foot and shoots with his right foot.
  • A becomes a defender (on way to other side), first passive, then active.

Exercise 5
  • A begins by dribbling around the cone with his right foot (1).
  • A then passes with his right foot to B and moves into space (2).
  • B meets the ball and passes to A who is now in space (or plays a one-two) (3).
  • A controls the ball and goes on to shoot (4).
  • B takes a ball and starts dribbling.
  • etc.

Exercise 6
  • A passes to B (1).
  • A runs around the cone into space and shows to B (2).
  • B passes to A, either in front of him or to his feet (3).
  • A controls the ball and goes on to shoot (4)
  • B takes a ball and passes it to C.
  • etc.

Exercise 7
  • A starts dribbling round the cones and the opponent (1).
  • A then shoots with his right foot (2).
  • B starts dribbling round the cones (3) and then shoots with his left foot.
  • A dribbles around an opponent instead of a cone (2).

Exercise 8
  • A starts by dribbling around the cones (1).
  • A then passes with his right foot to B (2).
  • B controls the ball and goes on to shoot (3).
Runs: A to B, B to C, C to D, D to A ...

Advanced (age 10 to 12)
Coaching points:
  • Shoot with inside of foot, low, with left and right foot
  • Short steps when dribbling the ball (rhythmisation)
  • Ball in front of the body
  • Body between ball and opponent
  • Players of the same standard do the exercise together
  • Orientation (head high, look at goal)
  • Differentiation (shooting)
Exercise 9
  • A starts by dribbling around the cones (1).
  • A dribbles around an opponent instead of a cone (2).
  • The attacker (A) plays a one-two with the goalkeeper: A passes to the goalkeeper, who passes back to the attacker, who controls the ball and shoots (3).
  • B starts dribbling (4).

Exercise 10
  • A starts by dribbling around the cones (1).
  • A then passes with his right foot to B (2).
  • B controls the ball and dribbles it around the cone behind him (3). The ball is to be controlled and dribbled with the left foot.
  • A stands in the path of B, passively or actively (4).

Exercise 11
  • A starts by dribbling around the cones (1).
  • A then passes with his right foot to B (2).
  • B controls the ball and dribbles it around an opponentbehind him (3). The ball is to be controlled and dribbledwith the left foot.

Passing, controlling and dribbling
Coaching points:
  • Pass with inside of foot, low, with left and right foot
  • Meet the ball when controlling the pass
  • Short steps when dribbling the ball (rhythmisation)
  • Ball in front of the body
  • Body between ball and opponent
  • Players of the same standard do the exercise together
  • Orientation (head high, look at player)
  • Differentiation (pass, control and move)
Beginner (age 6 to 8)
Exercise 1
  • A passes to B with his left foot (1).
  • B meets the ball, controls it and takes it to the left (2)before dribbling around the cones.
  • B passes with his right foot to C (3).
  • C meets the ball, controls it and takes it to the right (4).
  • C passes to A with his right foot (5).
  • A meets the ball, controls it and takes it to the rightbefore starting dribbling.

Exercise 2
  • A begins by dribbling round the cone.
  • A then passes to B.
  • B meets the ball, controls it and then dribbles in the direction of C.
  • Dribbling and passing with left foot and right foot.

Exercise 3
  • A begins by dribbling anti-clockwise round the top cone
  • Then passes to B
  • B meets the ball, controls it and then dribbles in the direction of C.
  • Dribbling and passing with left and right foot.
  • B controls the ball with his back to the cone and takes the ball around the cone on the inside and outside. B then starts dribbling, etc.

Exercise 4
  • A starts by dribbling around the cone (1).
  • A then passes with his right foot to B (2).
  • B meets the ball, controls it to the right and then dribbles towards C (3).
  • B then passes with his left foot to C.

Exercise 5
  • Players A and B start dribbling around the cones at the same time (1).
  • They then pass to C and D with their left and right foot respectively (2).
  • C and D meet the ball (3) and dribble it around the cones.
  • Where possible, the players should start, dribble and pass at the same time

Exercise 6
  • A starts by dribbling around the cones (1).
  • A then shoots with his left foot (2).
  • B then starts dribbling around the cones (1).
  • B then shoots with his right foot (2).
  • etc.

Medium (age 8 to 10)
Exercise 7

  • A passes to B with his left foot (1).
  • B meets the ball, controls it and takes it to the left (2) before dribbling around the cones.
  • B controls the ball with his back to the cone and takesit around the cone to the right with his left foot.
  • B then starts dribbling, etc.
    C controls the ball with his back to the cone and takes it around the cone to the left with his right foot.

Exercise 8
  • A begins by dribbling anti-clockwise round the cone
  • Then passes to B
  • B receives the ball with his back to the player and takes it round the player on the inside and outside.
  • Dribbling and passing with left and right foot.
  • Players take the place of the cones.
  • Light pressure when controlling the ball, dribbling around and passing.

Exercise 9
  • A starts dribbling round the cones (1).
  • A then passes with his right foot to B (2).
  • B receives the ball with his back to the cone (3) and takes it clockwise around the cone with his left foot using short steps (4). B then starts dribbling (5).
  • Same procedure on the other side, but anti-clockwise using the right foot.

Exercise 10
  • Players A and B start dribbling round the cones at the same time (1).
  • They then pass to C and D with their left and right foot respectively (2).
  • C and D run on to the ball and dribble it round the cones.
  • Where possible the players should start, dribble and pass at the same time. 

Exercise 11
  • Player A starts dribbling round the cones (1).
  • A then shoots with the left foot (2).
  • Player B starts dribbling round the cones (1).
  • B then shoots with the right foot (2).
  • Etc.

Exercise 12
  • A starts dribbling round the cones (1).
  • A then passes to B with the left foot (2), B meets the ball, controls it and then dribbles in the direction of C.
  • B passes to C with the right foot.

Advanced (age 10 to 12) 
Exercise 13
  • Pass with left foot from A to B (1).
  • B receives the ball with his back to the player and takes it round the player to the right with his left foot. B then starts dribbling round the cones, starting left.
  • Pass with the right foot to C (3).
  • C receives the ball with his back to the player and takes it round the player to the left with his right foot.
  • C passes to A with the right foot (5).
  • A meets the ball, controls it and takes it right before dribbling round the cones.

Exercise 14
  • A starts dribbling round the cones (1).
  • A then passes with his right foot to B (2).
  • B receives the ball with his back to the player (3) and takes it clockwise round the player with his left foot using short steps. B then starts dribbling (5).
  • B passes with left foot to C. Same procedure on the other side, but anti-clockwise using the right foot
  • Players take the place of the cones.
  • Light pressure when controlling the ball, dribbling around and passing.

Exercise 15
  • Players A and B start dribbling round the cones at the same time (1).
  • They then pass to C and D with their left and right foot respectively (2).
  • C and D control the ball with back to opponent, turn inside and run round (3).

Exercise 16
  • A starts dribbling round the cones (1).
  • A then passes to B (2), return pass from B to A (3), who controls the ball and shoots (4).
  • Etc.

Exercise 17
  • A starts dribbling round the cones (1).
  • A dribbles around an opponent at the end of the slalom (2). His body is between the ball and the opponent, and he keeps the ball on outside with his left foot. He then passes to B (3) etc.
  • Same procedure on the other side, but using the right foot.
