
Important Part of Physical Fitness in Soccer is Speed

Friday, January 1, 2016

Important Part of Physical Fitness in Soccer is Speed

One of the top commodities in any sport is speed, which is the ability to get form one point to another as fast and efficiently as possible. This take good sprinting mechanics with a good stride frequency (how fast you can get your legs to move), combined with increased stride length and total-body strength to generate powerful force on each take off. You may be wondering why a soccer player would need proper mechanics to run fast in straight line, when soccer is played in random directions. Learning how to run correctly and efficiently can increase your efficiency during the game.

General Speed Training 

As mentioned, total-body strength and flexibility create a foundational platform to increase leg turnover (frequency) and the production of force against the ground on each step. Drills that incorporate tempo and rhythm help coordinate running mechanics and encourage the use of proper stride rates to ensure efficient running in top-speed situations. Speed development should be part of your general training program to produce positive results in competition.

Soccer-Specific Speed Training 

Speed is a valuable tool at any position on the field, except perhaps for goalkeepers. Once your running mechanics are correct, you can begin to develop the specific speed that will benefit your position. Forwards and wing players can use efficient running to win a loose ball from the opponent. Increased speed is a high premium for defenders, allowing them to erase bad positioning during the game. Setting the attack with speed gives midfield players the advantage that can change the game in an instant. As you progress in general speed development, incorporate specific drills to increase your confidence.