This article will show you about basic technique football, which come out from FIFA. May this video give some benefit for you all in daily training. Applying this technique must be full attention from coaches, specially for player age between 6-12 years old.
Ball control is the foundation for all aspects of the game and a source of motivation for young players because it feels good to be at ease with the ball.
The ability to control the ball is the key to many other skills, and juggling is also a very good way to practise ball control, getting familiar with the ball and gaining confi dence. Generally speaking, it is not difficult to master a technical skill, but it does become harder as the game conditions change.
Control INSIDE FOOT Basic Technique Grassroots Football
CONTROL THIGH Basic Technique Grassroots Football
KEEPY UPPY Basic Technique Grassroots Football
PASSING Technique Basic Technique Grassroots Football