
Attack of the Crab Monsters Soccer Dribbling Skills Training

Friday, August 5, 2016

Attack of the Crab Monsters Soccer Dribbling Skills Training

Minutes: 3 per round (repeated several times) Players: 11 to 20
Objective: To develop dribbling skills within an enjoyable training atmosphere
Setup: Use markers to outline a rectangular area 20 yards by 30 yards. Designate five players to be "crabs," who station within the area. Crabs must move about in a crab walk (a sitting position with weight supported by hands and feet). Remain¬ing players station outside the area, each with a ball.
Procedure: Players outside the area enter to dribble among the crabs. The crabs crawl after the dribblers and attempt to kick their balls out of the area. Crabs must move about in the crab position and may not use their hands to play the ball. Dribblers use quick changes of speed and direction, coupled with deceptive body feints, to elude the crabs. Crabs can work together to reduce the space and force dribblers into errors. A player whose ball is kicked out of the area is eliminated from the game; he or she practices juggling until the game concludes. Continue until all dribblers have been eliminated, then repeat the game with different players as crabs.
Scoring: Crabs get 1 point for each ball kicked out of the area. The crab with the most points wins.
Practice tips: To make the game more challenging, reduce the area size or increase the number of crabs. Caution dribblers not to step on the crabs' hands.
Attack of the Crab Monsters Soccer Dribbling Skills Training
