
Leapfrog Races Soccer Conditioning Games

Friday, August 5, 2016

Leapfrog Races Soccer Conditioning Games

Minutes: 10
Players: Unlimited (equal-sized teams of 4 to 6)
Objectives: To develop upper body strength and endurance; to develop leg strength and power; to create an enjoyable practice atmosphere.
Setup: Designate a start line and a finish line 50 yards apart. Organize teams of equal number. Teammates position in single file behind the starting line, with at least five yards between teams. The first player (1) in each line bends forward at the waist and crouches with knees flexed and hands placed slightly above the knees. This is the "frog" position.
Procedure: At your call of "Go!" player 2 places his or her hands on player l upper back and leapfrogs over him or her. Player 2 immediately assumes the frog position a couple of feet ahead of player 1. Player 3 then leapfrogs over players 1 and 2 and assumes a frog position in front of player 2, and so on. Teammates continue leapfrogging over one another until they reach the finish line. Complete five races, with a short rest between each.
Scoring: The first team to get all players across the finish line wins. 
Practice tips: Leapfrog races are most appropriate for physically mature players with enough upper body and leg strength. Increase or decrease the physical demands of the game by lengthening or shortening the race distance. In addition to developing muscular strength and endurance, leapfrog races can create much laughter and helps form camaraderie among players.
Leapfrog Races Soccer Conditioning Games
