
Crabs and Minnows Soccer Dribbling Skills Training in Warm-Up

Friday, August 5, 2016

Crabs and Minnows Soccer Dribbling Skills Training in Warm-Up

Minutes: 10-15
Players: Unlimited
Objective: To develop dribbling skills in a warm-up activity
Setup: Use markers to outline an area 20 yards by 30 yards, with a safety zone 3 yards wide at each end spanning the width of the field. Designate three players to be "crabs/' who station, without balls, in the center of the area. Crabs assume the crab position (sitting with body off the ground supported by arms and legs). Remaining players ("minnows") station in one of the safety zones, each with a ball
Procedure: On command, the minnows attempt to dribble ("swim") the length of the area into the opposite safety zone. Crabs try to prevent this by kicking the minnows' balls out of the playing area. Crabs must remain in the crab position and can't use their hands to play the ball. Minnows who dribble successfully from one safety zone into the other remain there until the coach gives the signal to return to the original safety zone. A minnow whose ball is kicked out of the area becomes a crab for the next round. Minnows continue dribbling from one safety zone to the other at your command, until only three minnows remain. These players are crabs to begin the next game.
Scoring: None
Practice tips: Minnows can't chip the ball over the crabs in an effort to reach the safety zone—they must dribble between or around the crabs. Reduce the field width to make the game more challenging for the minnows.
Crabs and Minnows Soccer Dribbling Skills Training in Warm-Up
