
Join the Hunt Soccer Conditioning Passing and Dribbling Skills Training

Friday, August 5, 2016

Join the Hunt Soccer Conditioning Passing and Dribbling Skills Training

Minutes: 10 to 15
Players: 10 to 20
Objectives: To practice passing and dribbling skills in a warm-up exercise; to develop agility and mobility
Setup: Use markers to form a field about 30 yards by 40 yards. Designate three players as "hunters' who station outside the area, each with a ball. Remaining players ("free" players) station within the area, without balls. Have a supply of balls, one for each player, along the perimeter of the playing area.
Procedure: At your command, the hunters enter the area to dribble after and contact free players below the knees with a passed ball. Free players may move anywhere within the area to avoid being hit. Any free player hit by a ball below the knee immediately collects one of the loose balls from the perimeter of the area and joins the hunt. Continue until all free players have been eliminated. Repeat several times, with different hunters to begin each game.
Scoring: None
Practice tips: Adjust the area size to accommodate the ages, abilities, and number of players. Encourage hunters to dribble close to their targets before passing. This helps develop dribbling skills and also increases the likelihood of an accurate pass. As a variation, require hunters to use a specific type of pass (such as inside-of-foot or instep passes only) or have them use their weakest foot to pass the ball.
Join the Hunt Soccer Conditioning Passing and Dribbling Skills Training
