
Soccer Conditioning Games Two-Touch Pass and Follow

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Soccer Conditioning Games Two-Touch Pass and Follow

Minutes: 10
Players: 5
Objective: To incorporate two-touch passing into a warm-up activity
Setup: Use markers to outline a 20-yard square. Station one player at the midpoint of each sideline. Station the fifth player in the center of the square with the ball.
Procedure: To begin, the central player passes the ball to one of the sideline players and sprints to that spot. The sideline player receives and prepares the ball with the first touch, passes to another player with the second touch, and sprints to that spot. Players continue passing and following the pass at maximum speed.
Scoring: None
Practice tips: Emphasize a quality first touch; the ball should be controlled and prepared in one movement. Encourage players to make hard sprints in support of their pass, just as they would in a game situation.
Soccer Conditioning Games Two-Touch Pass and Follow