
Soccer Conditioning Games Circle Dribble

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Soccer Conditioning Games Circle Dribble

Minutes: 10
Players: 6 to 12 (2 teams of equal number)
Objectives: To develop dribbling skills; to improve fitness
Setup: Play within the center circle of a regulation field. Form two teams of equal number. Pair each player with an opponent from the opposing team, and assign each pair a number (1,2, and so on). Players position on the perimeter of the circle directly across from their opponent. One player of each pair has a ball.
Procedure: Begin by calling out a pair number, such as "1." The two number 1 players then immediately sprint counterclockwise around the perimeter of the circle, the one with the ball dribbling and the other pursuing. The player with the ball attempts to dribble around the circle and back to his or her space before being tagged by the chaser. As soon as both players return to their original positions, call a different pair number. Partners exchange possession of the ball after each circuit. Continue calling pairs at random.
Scoring: Award a point to the player who dribbles around the circle and back to his or her space before being tagged. The team scoring the most points wins.
Practice tips: Adjust the playing area to match the age and ability of your players. The circumference of the circle should be such that the chaser has a reasonable chance of catching the dribbler. As a variation, call out two numbers to participate simultaneously.
Soccer Conditioning Games Circle Dribble
