
Team Handball Soccer Conditioning Practice Games

Friday, August 5, 2016

Team Handball Soccer Conditioning Practice Games

Minutes: 15
Players: 10 to 16 (2 equal-sized teams of 5 to 8)
Objectives: To simulate the support movement used in actual game situations; to physically condition players in a warm-up activity.
Setup: Use markers to create a 40-yard by 60-yard field area with a small goal positioned at the midpoint of each endline. Organize two teams of equal number. Use colored vests to differentiate teams. You'll need one ball per game. No goalies.
Procedure: Each team defends a goal. Regular soccer rules apply, except that players pass by throwing (and catching) rather than kicking the ball. Players may take up to three steps with the ball before releasing it to a teammate or throwing it (shooting) at the goal. Change of possession occurs when the ball drops to the ground, a pass is intercepted, or a goal is scored. Players may not wrestle the ball from an opponent. Although there are no designated goalkeepers, all players are free to use their hands to block opponents' shots at goal.
Scoring: A goal is scored by throwing the ball into the opponent's goal. The team scoring the most goals wins the game.
Practice tips: Teammates should attack as one compact unit, positioning at the proper angle and distance of support in relation to the player with the ball.
Team Handball Soccer Conditioning Practice Games
