
Across the Circle Sprint Soccer Conditioning Games

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Across the Circle Sprint Soccer Conditioning Games

Minutes: 10
Players: 6 to 12 (2 teams of equal number)
Objectives: To improve running form; to develop endurance
Setup: Use the center circle of the field as the playing area. Pair each player with an opponent, and number each pair (1, 2, and so on). Players position on the perimeter of the circle directly opposite their partners.
Procedure: Begin by calling out a pair number, such as "3." The two number 3 players then switch positions by sprinting across the circle. The goal is to reach their opponent's space on the circle before he or she arrives at their spot. Continue to call out pair numbers at random. You might want to call out two numbers in quick succession so that four players are running at once.
Scoring: None
Practice tips: Adjust the size of the circle to match the fitness level of the players. Vou can increase the physical demands of the exercise by having players run across the circle and then back to their original spot.
Across the Circle Sprint Soccer Conditioning Games
