
Flag Tag Soccer Practice Games

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Flag Tag Soccer Practice Games

Minutes: 10
Players: Unlimited
Objective: To incorporate dribbling skills into your warm-up
Setup: Play within the penalty area. Each player tucks a colored flag into the back of his or her shorts. At least half the flag should be hanging out.
Procedure: Players begin dribbling among themselves within the penalty area. On your command, the game begins. Players dribble after other players and try to steal their flags while also keeping their own flag safe from other players. All players should keep their own flag tucked into the back of their shorts, while holding stolen flags in their hand as they dribble about. Players dribble the ball under close control at all times; they may not leave their ball to chase after an opponent. Play several games.
Scoring: The player who ends up with the most stolen flags while retaining his or her own flag wins the game.
Practice tips: As a variation, have players perform a dribbling move (such as a step-over or a chop) after they steal an opponent's flag.
Flag Tag Soccer Practice Games
