
Pinball Wizards Games Soccer Practice

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Pinball Wizards Games Soccer Practice

Minutes: 10 to 15
Players: 6 (5 attackers; 1 defender)
Objectives: To develop one-touch passing technique; to warm up players before moving to more vigorous training
Setup: Use markers to form a circle about 12 yards in diameter. Station a defender within the circle; position five attackers evenly spaced along the circle perimeter. Give one of the attackers a ball.
Procedure: Attackers keep the ball from the defender by passing among them-selves. Attackers are allowed to move laterally along the perimeter of the circle but may not move inward within the circle. Attackers must execute one-touch passes only (thus the name, "pinball wizards"). If the ball goes out of the circle because of an errant pass, or if the defender intercepts a pass, the ball is immediately returned to an attacker, and the game continues.
Scoring: Award 1 point for eight consecutive passes without a loss of possession. Award the defender 1 point for stealing the ball and for each time the ball goes out of the circle. Play to 10, then switch defenders. Repeat the game until each player has defended.
Practice tips: To make the game more challenging for advanced players, station two defenders in the circle. For less skilled players, enlarge the circle or permit two-touch passing.
Pinball Wizards Games Soccer Practice
