
Chain Gang Soccer Practice Games

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chain Gang Soccer Practice Games

Minutes: 10
Players: Unlimited
Objectives: To improve mobility and agility; to develop endurance
Setup: Use markers to outline a rectangular area 30 yards by 40 yards. Designate two players as "it" who position outside the area. All remaining "free" players station within the rectangle.
Procedure: The players who are "it" enter the area to chase after and tag free players. Free players are allowed to move anywhere within the field area to avoid being tagged. A free player who is tagged must join hands with the player who tagged him or her to form a chain. As more players are tagged, the chains grow longer. Only two chains are permitted at any one time (the original chains may not split into smaller chains). Chains can work together to corner or trap free players. Continue until only two free players remain. Repeat the game with those two players being "it" to begin the next round.
Scoring: The last two remaining free players win the game. Practice tips: Vary the size of the area or the number of chains allowed depending on the number of players. Free players should use sudden changes of speed and direction coupled with deceptive body feints to avoid being tagged.
Chain Gang Soccer Practice Games
