
Hounds and Hares Soccer Practice Games

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hounds and Hares Soccer Practice Games

Minutes: 10 (multiple 60- to 90-second rounds) 
Players: 6 to 8 (in pairs)
Objective: To develop mobility, agility and deceptive body feints while improving fitness
Setup: Play within the center circle of a regulation field. Arrange players into pairs and assign each pair a number (1,2, and so on). Partners position on the perimeter of the circle directly opposite each other. Designate one partner as the "hound" and the other as the "hare." No balls are required.
Procedure: Begin the game by calling out a number, such as "1." The number 1 players then enter the circle. The hound immediately gives chase and attempts to tag the hare. If the hare is tagged, players reverse roles immediately Play continuously for 60 to 90 seconds, and then call a different pair into the circle. The initial hound and hare return to their original positions on the perimeter and rest.
Scoring: None
Practice tips: This is a physically demanding game when played at full intensity. The hare should use quick changes of speed and direction to elude the hound. Make the game more challenging by lengthening the duration of each round or increasing the size of the circle. As a variation, call two or three pairs into the circle at the same time.
Hounds and Hares Soccer Practice Games