
Dribble the Gauntlet Soccer Dribbling and Passing Skill Training

Friday, August 5, 2016

Dribble the Gauntlet Soccer Dribbling and Passing Skill Training

Minutes: 10 to 15
Players: Unlimited
Objective: To incorporate passing and dribbling skills in a warm-up activity Setup: Use markers to outline an area 25 by 40 yards, with a safety zone 5 yards deep at each end. Station three "marksmen" in the center of the field, each with a ball. All remaining players, each with a ball, station in a safety zone facing the marksmen.
Procedure: On your command, the players in the safety zone attempt to dribble the length of the field into the opposite safety zone. Marksmen "capture" the dribblers by contacting them below the knees with a passed ball. All passes must be made with the inside or outside surface of the foot; no shooting is permitted. A dribbler who is contacted below the waist with a passed ball, or who loses control of his or her ball outside the field boundaries, is considered captured and joins the marksmen for the next round. Dribblers who reach the safety zone remain there until the coach issues the command to return to the original safety zone. Players dribble back and forth between safety zones until all but three have been captured. These players are marksmen for the next game. Scoring: The last three players to avoid capture are the winners. Practice tips: Adjust the area to match the ages, abilities, and number of your players. Encourage marksmen to dribble close to their targets before passing the ball.
Dribble the Gauntlet Soccer Dribbling and Passing Skill Training
