
Team Nutmeg Soccer Conditioning Games

Friday, August 5, 2016

Team Nutmeg Soccer Conditioning Games

Minutes: 10 (4 periods, 2.5 minutes each)
Players: Unlimited (2 teams of equal number)
Objectives: To warm the muscles and prepare the body for more vigorous training; to improve your players' ability to dribble for close control in a confined area.
Setup: Use markers to outline an area 25 by 30 yards. Team 1 players position as stationary targets with their feet spread two to three feet apart at various spots within the playing area. Team 2 players, each with a ball, position outside the area.
Procedure: Team 2 players dribble into the area and attempt to push pass their ball through the legs of as many team 1 players as possible during a 2.5 minute round. This dribbling maneuver is called a "nutmeg"' and, in real games, is the ultimate embarrassment for a defender. Team 1 players must remain stationary during the 2.5 minute round. A player may not nutmeg the same opponent twice in succession. Teams reverse roles for the second round and for each successive round. Play at least four rounds.
Scoring: Players compete against teammates, using the honor system to tally scores. Each player counts the number of nutmegs he or she performs in the allotted time. The player with the most nutmegs wins the round.
Practice tips: Adjust the playing area size to accommodate the number of players. Stationary players should not position too close together to avoid collisions among dribblers.
Team Nutmeg Soccer Conditioning Games
