
Football First Time Passing Skills Training

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Football First Time Passing Skills Training

Minutes: 10
Players: Groups of 4
Objective: To play quick, accurate passes while maintaining proper body shape and balance.
Setup: Three players (servers) position side by side two yards apart. The fourth player (target) faces the servers from a distance of five yards. Servers 1 and 2 each have a ball; server 3 does not have a ball to begin.
Procedure: Server 1 begins by passing the ball to the target, who returns it using a first-time, inside-of-the-foot pass to server 3. Server 2 immediately plays a ball to the target player, who returns it to server 1, who is without a ball. Continue the exercise at maximum speed for two minutes, after which one of the servers switches position with the target player. Repeat until each player has taken a turn as the target player.
Scoring: Perform as many repetitions as you can in two minutes.
Practice tips: Passes from servers must be accurate and properly weighted. If a ball goes astray, the game continues with the second ball, with no stop in play. The target player should square hips and shoulders with the server to whom he or she is passing.
Variations: The target player can pass the ball with the inside of the foot or the outside of the foot. Servers can pass the ball along the ground or use their hands to toss air balls to the target player, who must receive, control, and return the ball.
Football First Time Passing Skills Training
