
Football Training Tempo Passing Skills

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Football Training Tempo Passing Skills

Minutes: 15
Players: Groups of 4
Objectives: To develop short, medium, and long-range passing skills; to introduce the concept of attacking support around the ball; to draw opponents to the vicinity of the ball and then change the point of attack.
Setup: Organize players into groups of four, with one ball per group. Play in an area of at least 30 by 50 yards.
Procedure: Players interpass while moving throughout the field area, executing passing combinations in a short-short-long tempo sequence. For example, players must play two short (5 to 10 yards), or supporting, passes followed by a longer pass (20 to 30 yards) designed to change the point of attack. Another short-short-long sequence immediately follows. Short passes should be played on the ground; the long pass can be played on the ground or lofted through the air. 
Scoring: None
Practice tips: Emphasize passing accuracy and proper pace. Perform the drill at game speed, even though there are no defenders applying pressure. Make the exercise more demanding by placing restrictions on players (such as limiting the number of touches allowed) or by adding the pressure of a defending opponent(s).
Football Training Tempo Passing Skills
