Minutes: 10 to 15
Players: Groups of 5 to 8
Objectives: To develop passing and receiving skills; to improve endurance.
Setup: Use markers to outline a playing area 30 by 40 yards for each group. Players station within the area. Label each player with a number, beginning with 1 and continuing up through the number of players in the group. Two players each have a ball to begin.
Procedure: On your command, all players begin moving within the area. Those with a ball dribble; those without a ball position to make themselves available to receive a ball from the player numbered below him or her. All players move continuously during the exercise, passing to the teammate numbered above them and receiving passes from the teammate numbered below them. The highest number player passes to player 1 to complete the circuit.
Scoring: None
Practice tips: The game should flow continuously as players pass and receive the ball under control. Players should not stop the ball completely as they receive it. They should control the ball in the direction (space) of their next movement. Make the game more challenging by placing restrictions on players (such as having them pass with only their weakest foot or with only the outside or instep surface of the foot).
Players: Groups of 5 to 8
Objectives: To develop passing and receiving skills; to improve endurance.
Setup: Use markers to outline a playing area 30 by 40 yards for each group. Players station within the area. Label each player with a number, beginning with 1 and continuing up through the number of players in the group. Two players each have a ball to begin.
Procedure: On your command, all players begin moving within the area. Those with a ball dribble; those without a ball position to make themselves available to receive a ball from the player numbered below him or her. All players move continuously during the exercise, passing to the teammate numbered above them and receiving passes from the teammate numbered below them. The highest number player passes to player 1 to complete the circuit.
Scoring: None
Practice tips: The game should flow continuously as players pass and receive the ball under control. Players should not stop the ball completely as they receive it. They should control the ball in the direction (space) of their next movement. Make the game more challenging by placing restrictions on players (such as having them pass with only their weakest foot or with only the outside or instep surface of the foot).