
Round the Flag and Back Soccer Practice Games

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Round the Flag and Back Soccer Practice Games

Minutes: 10 to 15
Players: Unlimited (equal-sized teams of 4 to 6)
Objectives: To develop dribbling speed; to improve fitness
Setup: Use the sideline or endline of the field as a starting line. Position teams side by side behind the starting line, with at least three yards between teams. Place a flag or marker 25 yards in front of each team. Give the first player in line for each team a ball.
Procedure: On the coach's command, the first player dribbles quickly around the flag and back to the starting line, where he or she exchanges the ball with the next player in line. All team members dribble around the flag in turn. The team completing the relay in the shortest time wins. Repeat 10 times with a short rest between each race.
Scoring: The winning team gets 3 points, second place 2 points, and third place 1 point. The team totaling the most points after 10 races wins the event.
Practice tips: The technique a player uses to dribble in open space should differ from that used when dribbling for close control in a crowd of players. Players should push the ball several steps ahead with the outside surface of the foot, sprint to catch up to it, and push it again. Adjust the total distance covered to accommodate the age and fitness level of players.
Round the Flag and Back Soccer Practice Games
